What is the impact of managerial decision-making on the engagement of employees working in a strategic program of a public-owned company?

Following objectives:

  1. To review the EE literature and impact of leadership decisions on EE
  2. To interview and collect information from departmental managers and understand their feedback from the people part of the program.
  • To survey employees working in the strategic program to determine their degree of engagement.
  1. To draw conclusions and recommend directions to improve EE in the environment analyzed.

The study also aims to answer the following research question: How do specific management decisions influence the engagement of employees working in the strategic program of a Western European governmental-owned organization? The following are the sub questions to this research question:

RSQ1: What are the levels of engagement of employees working in a strategic program of a public-owned company?

RSQ2: What is the impact of managerial decision-making on the engagement of employees working in a strategic program of a public-owned company?