What benefits will there be from locating the activities in a logistics cluster? What are the prerequisites from capturing these benefits?

What benefits will there be from locating the activities in a logistics cluster? What are the prerequisites from capturing these benefits?

Logistics clustering results in four specific benefits for firms; those deriving from collaboration opportunities and value added services, opportunities for upward mobility, job growth at multiple levels and regional growth. The authors note,

“…logistics clustering provides specific benefits to companies. These benefits derive mostly from opportunities for collaboration and offering value added services. Logistics clusters also offer

upward career mobility for employees”. Notes that collaboration is a phenomenon also observed in industrial

clusters Grandori and Soda (1995).The growth of jobs and upward mobility are predicted in cluster theory by several scholars refer Table 1.

What is your advice on where to locate the logistics and supply chain activities of the company? Here she wants a comparison of two potential clusters where she is especially interested in what Denmark has to offer.

How do the selected clusters compare to main European logistics clusters?

How does the Øresund/Greater Copenhagen logistics cluster differentiate from the logistics clusters in Vancouver and Shenzhen?