Provide a list of references at the end and be sure to disclose in the body of your presentation or paper where you have used words, figures, ideas, or any other material from your sources.

Important: note that if you choose Conflict Theory as one of your theories, you may not choose social inequality as one of your concepts.

If you do a presentation, remember that you will not actually have the opportunity to present it to your instructor in person.

Explain what’s on your slides. Therefore, you should not use them as rough, illustrative guides. While they do not have to read like a paper, they must contain all the content required for the project. A few brief sentences will not adequately meet each requirement; you will be evaluated on how thoroughly and how well you meet these requirements. Accordingly, use as many slides as it takes to fully present your work and your thought. If necessary, err on the side of “too much”!

Provide a list of references at the end and be sure to disclose in the body of your presentation or paper where you have used words, figures, ideas, or any other material from your sources.

You are not required to use any references other than your textbook, but you are required to identify this and any other source that you use.