Markstrat- marketing simulation analysis presentation
1)summarizing the decisions made for period 1 and 2 in the game. This has been already done. You can find it in the given presentation. What I need for the first slide is a speech for the presentation. This speech should justify our decisions. why those decisions were made, what was the strategic reason/ depth of reasoning NO CHANGES NEEDED ON THE SLIDE #1 ONLY SPEECH FOR THE PRESENTATION JUSTIFYING THE DECISIONS
2) the Second slide is about the pricing strategy we had during the simulation. The strategies are given but brief definitions needed of the given pricing strategies with references. 1 -2 Max references. To support our decisions and strategies with the theory.+ A Paragraph needed for the speech over the presentation
For the speech:
Explain why we chose these strategies again there’s information that can help in the word document.
Slide 1 : only write speech justifying/ giving reasons for the decisions
Slide 2: adding brief descriptions of the strategies and writing speech for the presentation