Explain why the innovation is an advance on what was done previously; incremental cost-benefit analysis

Marketing Innovation

Marketing and Innovation – the two most important business functions! For this graded assignment you should analyze and write up five contemporary customer-focused innovations you have observed and investigated!

Identify the general Level at which the innovation occurred i.e. Product class, Product Category, or Product Form

Describe the way things were done before the innovation, how was the “generic need” satisfied.

Describe the innovation and its impact on product: class, category, form

Specify why, indeed, it is an innovation; continuous, dynamically continuous, discontinuous, disruptive.

Describe how the innovator developed the innovation;

Explain why the innovation is an advance on what was done previously; incremental cost-benefit analysis

Analyze the branding strategy of the innovation and assess its success.

Analyze and evaluate the distribution strategy for the innovation.
Your write up should have a about 10 pages.