Explain How do we motivate a huge corporation to build a different companies’ products into their own?


For this project we are writing it from the standpoint of the Mortgage lender who is trying to get the agents from the insurance company we are partnered with to write more mortgages for us the mortgage lender.

If you are a loan company that has a partnership with a major insurance company how to you motivate the insurance agents to make writing loans a priority when it is only 1 of 110 different services, they offer. They offer auto insurance, life insurance, rental dwellings, homeowners and investment services.

Even though they make more money when they write a home loan considering it only takes 15-20min and it pays a lot in one lump sum. Their argument is that when they write insurance it pays them for as long as they have insurance.

They are also nervous about hurting a relationship they have with someone in their book of business. The insurance companies even know the more services they enroll a client in the stickier they become and the less likely they are to cancel any of the services.

Explain How do we motivate a huge corporation to build a different companies’ products into their own?

Another problem we have is motivating the insurance agents since most of the agents are already rich. They are business owners who have multiple staff members.