Write a 6-8-page essay comparing two U.S. states’ approaches to issues of same-sex marriage.
Note: You must complete Assessment 4 before beginning this assessment.
Explain How can sociological research help us understand how laws and policies are made and how they change over time?
How might we use the sociological perspective to develop more effective solutions to political and social issues or create policies that are effective and based on sound research? These are questions to consider as you explore the connection between political and economic power and legislative decision making.
In this final assessment, you study how our culture’s beliefs about diversity are reflected in the law-making and policy-making process, including laws and policies that pertain to immigration and same-sex marriage. As you compare and contrast how two specific states have approached same-sex marriage, reflect on which sociological theories best apply to the policy decisions that have been made in your states. Something to think about, too, is whether the policies and positions maintained by those in power actually reflect the research and data on the topic or issue they address. The research you do for this final assessment should show you how power and politics, as well as population demographics, influence policy making.