CRISPR technology
The essay is actually for an English 101 class. Strict MLA format. It’s paraphrasing the essay Gene Hackers by Michael Specter that appeared in the New Yorker.
Direct quotes should be used. You will use a newer article regarding the same technology towards the conclusion. You can use more than one newer essay towards the conclusion. There is a link to one in the essay directions below.
Write a summary of “The Gene Hackers” that provides an account of CRISPR technology, its history and its future.
Let’s imagine that it is your job to explain Specter’s essay to someone who has not yet had the chance to read it, someone who is smart and informed but who doesn’t yet know what the essay says or why it is interesting.
Write an essay to provide your sense of what the essay says and why it might be of consequence to others, in particular to those of your generation.
Explain and interpret the key passages and details. And be sure to take time, most likely at the end, to speak for yourself, to expand what Specter says to your interests, experiences, stories, and concerns.
since the essay was written in 2015, try to find a relevant article for discussion that “updates” Specter’s work, such as this one from NPR:
Include this article or any other article toward your conclusion as you begin to offer your own perspective on the advent of this technology.