Critically evaluate the evidence base that supports decision making in medicine

 Assessment deadline:

Submit a word document with your literature review on the MD7001 moodle page in the tile ‘Assessment 2021-2022’ using the submission link ‘Assessment 2 October 2021’. You should name your file with your programme name and your J number.

Work submitted after the deadline will be recorded as late, unless an extension or deferral has been obtained before the deadline. This applies to work that is even 1 minute late. The  penalty for late work is 5 marks for work submitted up to 24 hours after a deadline, and 5 marks per day after this, including weekends. Because the system gets very busy you should consider submitting well in advance of the deadline. If you have technical difficulties submitting you should contact LIS. If you are having other difficulties you should

Learning outcomes assessed:-

Critically evaluate the evidence base that supports decision making in medicine

Integrate material from a variety of relevant sources to form a literature review