Describe your understanding of multi-agency working and how this can support the well-being of the service user group and staff.

Description This assessment is worth 100 % of the total marks for the module. “Children and adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities have more than one disability, the most significant of which is a profound learning disability” (PMLD Network, 2016) Consider the multiple and complex needs of this service user group throughout your essay. […]

How are Lizzie and Laura distinguished from one another in the beginning part of the poem, before Laura even eats the Goblin fruit?

1-5 Questions are base on the Goblin market poem. When you answering the question don’t forget to add the line of the evidence from the poem. 1. How are Lizzie and Laura distinguished from one another in the beginning part of the poem, before Laura even eats the Goblin fruit? 2. Where are key moments […]

Discuss the relationship between building rapport and mutual respect with students to build a positive, safe, productive learning environment.

Description Q 1. Effective teachers do more than just go through the motions of writing their lesson content and language objectives on the board. Getting the students involved in thinking about the objectives is important. How would you get students involved in learning the lesson content and language objectives? Provide at least two ideas. TWO […]

What are some specific strategies that you would implement to create these partnerships?

Question #1 Based on the readings by Dufault (2018), Simmerman (2018), and Higbee & Goff (2008), please discuss some of the programs, services or departments with which an LAC could partner to improve support of the center and enhance its services to students? What are some specific strategies that you would implement to create these […]

Identify from most important to least important what you believe to be the five most important tasks of the director of a learning support center

Based on your readings and discussions this week, specifically, Rick Sheets’ 5 Cs of learning center management, identify from most important to least important what you believe to be the five most important tasks of the director of a learning support center (i.e., 1 is the most important item and 5 is the least important […]

What are the specific impacts to fish and aquatic resources?

Description CASE STUDY of an alien/invasive species (Lionfish) and its impact on the aquatic environment (to include impacts to fish and fish populations). Be sure to answer the following questions: 1) What is the species and why is it considered invasive? 2) What are the specific impacts to fish and aquatic resources? 3) What actions […]

Describe briefly with the aid of schematic diagrams, photographs and a schedule of major items of plant, how the various building engineering services are delivered within a case study building

Description 1. Describe briefly with the aid of schematic diagrams, photographs and a schedule of major items of plant, how the various building engineering services are delivered within a case study building (Case study building to be confirmed by the tutor). 2. Detail how you would organize maintenance of the building engineering services in the […]

Explain how to work through ideas when your professional and personal positions come into conflict.

Description After reading the Brittany Maynard case, create an original post that compares your professional and personal positions on the case. What are the code of ethics, professional regulations, and policies that support your professional position? Explain how to work through ideas when your professional and personal positions come into conflict. In your responses to […]

What are they conveying? How many repetitions? What are the circumstances?

KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior. Emblems: gestures that have a direct body motion and can stand alone such as the “OK” sign. Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions. Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, […]

evaluate the factors which increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases, and how this risk can be reduced

explain the role of microorganisms in causing infectious diseases; explain how infectious diseases can be transmitted and discuss specific examples; evaluate the factors which increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases, and how this risk can be reduced; identify the advantages and dangers in the use of antibiotics. Format: Word limit is 1000 words. References […]