Assignment: Interpreting Financial Statements You will remember from the Week 1 Assignment that Medi-Supply is a small but growing company that sells medical devices to hospitals in the local area. The company wants to expand their distribution regionally and hopefully nationally with their innovative devices. They are looking for investors as well as seeking out […]
The Pledge of Allegiance Religion and politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate. American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great deal […]
Acoustics of the 416On the next page are two spectrograms + waveforms, labeled X and Y, both from recordings of me saying “Toronto”. Here are two transcriptions of this name:A) [tʰə.ˈɹɑn.ˌtʰoʊ]B) [ˈtʃɹɑ.nə]Examine the spectrograms/waveforms, and answer the following questions:1) Which spectrogram/waveform matches which transcription? How can you tell? Explain with at least two concrete examples […]
Tones in AngasThe Angas languages are spoken in north-central Nigeria, and they have three level tones, High, Mid and Low. In the transcriptions below , There are three sets of Angas data: the bare nouns; the nouns as they appear when followed by a case marker; and the nouns as they appear when followed by […]
Syllables in Child Spanish Here are data from two children learning Spanish: it includes adult pronunciations of these words, taken to be the ‘input’ to the children’s phonology, and their own output 1 Both kids do something systematic, but different, with these words, and syllable shape is relevant. Note that [tʃ] in Spanish, as in […]
Tones in AngasThe Angas languages are spoken in north-central Nigeria, and they have three level tones, High, Mid and Low. In the transcriptions below (using the vowel ‘a’ as an example), I transcribe these as [á], [a] and [à] respectively (that is: if you see NO tone mark on a vowel, that means it has […]
Allomorphy and phonological rules in Ditidaht Ditidaht is a Wakashan language spoken traditionally at the southern end of Vancouver Island. Here are some words of the language, with their glosses. Every word has one root, and some of them also have one affix, although the meaning of that affix may be more like an entire […]
Unit Learning OutcomesExplore deflection due to wind loading’s, on fixed structures, and strategies to resist wind loading. LO2 Determine bending, shear and deflection for complex support conditions.Design complex columns and piled foundations based on calculations.Explore the design of tensile structures.
Wind loadingCalculate the following wind loads for the above scenario. For the basic wind speed Vb choose a city name starting with your first initial. Write all the formulas clearly and referring to the clause no, figure no or Table no of the standard you are using. Assume the wind blowing towards the longer direction […]
Cantilever Design• Design a cantilever beam of span 4m using 275 grade steel. The beam is carrying a Dead load of 10kN/m and an imposed load of 15kN/m. Calculate the bending moment, Deflection and shear force.• Design the same beam using Reinforced concrete. Calculate the bending shear and deflections.• Evaluate the types of connection that […]