Explain the importance of attorney/client privilege and determine when counsel may ethically forgo that privilege.

Discretion of Legal Professionals Describe the function of jury consultants and determine whether they are considered ethical assets to the legal profession. Detail the types of misconduct that have been associated with defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges. Explain the importance of attorney/client privilege and determine when counsel may ethically forgo that privilege. Define and describe […]

Explain the importance of the 8th Amendment as it applies to punishment.  Analyze the pros and cons of capital punishment.

The Ethics of Punishment and Corrections Explain the importance of the 8th Amendment as it applies to punishment. Analyze the pros and cons of capital punishment. Describe the correctional officer subculture. List and describe some ethical issues for correctional officers.

Describe types of misconduct by community corrections professionals.  Describe types of misconduct by treatment professionals.

Correctional Professionals and Misconduct Identify the difference between misfeasance, malfeasance, and non feasance. Describe types of misconduct by correctional officers. Describe types of misconduct by community corrections professionals. Describe types of misconduct by treatment professionals.

Analyze the post 9/11 effects on law enforcement and punishment.  Examine the arguments for and against the use of torture.

Ethics and TerrorismObjectives When you complete this module, you should be able to: Analyze the post 9/11 effects on law enforcement and punishment. Examine the arguments for and against the use of torture. Identify the meaning of the term whistleblowers.

Differentiate between Domestic stock diversification and international stock diversification with 4 cryptocurrencies

Domestic stock diversification and international stock Differentiate between Domestic stock diversification and international stock diversification with 4 cryptocurrencies The domestic portfolio is only U.S-based stocks and 4 cryptocurrencies, and International portfolio which has 4 cryptocurrencies along with 9 international stocks from Germany, Canada, Australia and Switzerland and the remaining 5 were U.S stocks which were […]

Explain and connect quotations from your research Explain, and connect this concrete evidence to support your article

English 101                                                                     Extra Credit -bonus points- Essay Columbus Day: Should We Keep Doing This? This is an extra credit paper, it is not required, and not doing it will not harm your grade. Writing this paper can only help your grade. A poor grade will not hurt your grade at all. For generations, children […]

DISCUSS: Do the police always need a search warrant to conduct a legal search according to the Fourth Amendment?

FOURTH AMENDMENT DISCUSS: Do the police always need a search warrant to conduct a legal search according to the Fourth Amendment? List at least three exceptions to the warrant requirement, and give examples of each.

Explain To what degree do the people of a kingdom/nation have the rights to have control over how they are to be governed?

How much power do people have Explain To what degree do the people of a kingdom/nation have the rights to have control over how they are to be governed? Queen Elizabeth 1 age in England (1558-1603) must include 1 quote from each of these documents https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xLrKW-q4gLs0xhuSa7aNlf9T50K-36aBvQ2BZKLFVFM/edit

Explain the rationale for choosing the model you have selected over the other models in Chapters 1 and 3 or other parts of the course text, and Make sure you consider the effects of the change on the company’s shareholders, employees, and customers, as well as on society and the environment.

Change Model Assignment on Tesla Contextualize the organizational change you have selected within one of the change models described in the course text. This means consider the time and place of the organization, as well as economic, technological, geopolitical, socio cultural, environmental and other macro forces influencing the change. Explain the rationale for choosing the […]

Explain what themes you see across multiple sources, and specify how your sources answer your research question.

Homo normativity A 10-12 page annotated bibliography on a specific topic of your choice within queer studies. An annotated bibliography is a list of academic sources used for researching a topic that also includes your own summary and evaluation of each source. Annotated bibliography requirements: 10-12 pages double spaced, total A narrow, specific topic within […]