This portfolio is comprised of 3 entries 1. A written 350-word inquiry informed by self-directed independent reading: Prepare a well-considered definition of counseling which examines some of the matters that distinguish ethical counseling interactions from other ways of helping. Reading: First steps in counseling chapter 2 p.13 2. A written 650-word inquiry informed by self-directed […]
TO PREPARE: (A) Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in module 2 i.e. order #658521 and the four systematic reviews you selected in module 3 i.e. order # 665804 (B) Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in module 2 and analyzed in module 3 i.e. order #665804. THE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS ARE:( […]
Data-Driven Decision-Making Using a support system The purpose of this paper will be to evaluate primary and secondary sources regarding decision support systems, including those implemented in Microsoft Excel and to persuade a manager to further investigate the use and to ultimately agree with you that you should engage in data-driven decision-making and decision support […]
Based on the result from chronometer, discuss 3 significant aspects of your diet that could be adjusted and modified to have a healthier diet. 18p caloric intake or macronutrient intake and distribution (discuss one either lipids or carbohydrates or protein) or intake of minerals (discuss only sodium, or calcium, or iron) or intake of fiber […]
The Garden of Eden and Tower of Babel Paper details: 1. DISCUSS : Do human beings behave like God in “The Garden of Eden” and “The Tower of Babel”? Or does God behave like a human being? IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION : Please answer it in your own words and in your own thought process. Anything that […]
Aggravated robbery Requirements: Research the topic and answer the questions associated. The document should be APA format, Title page, 4 pages of content, and Reference page. 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins. Use at least 3 sources. Refer to writing guide for additional help. Less than 20% similarity. This will be submitted […]
The Battle for Racial Equality Explain How the civil war effected racial equality and its effects in today’s society
Public Writing, or writing for a public audienceThis assignment builds upon the previous assignments.Reading N. Katherine Hayles’s, “Cybernetics,” in Critical Terms for Media Studies, ed. W.J.T.Mitchell, Mark B.N. Hansen (2010), 145–156, will be very helpful in thinking about thisassignment. The Hayles essay was required reading for week 10. Hayles offers a briefhistory of cybernetics and […]
Assessment deadline: Submit a word document with your literature review on the MD7001 moodle page in the tile ‘Assessment 2021-2022’ using the submission link ‘Assessment 2 October 2021’. You should name your file with your programme name and your J number. Work submitted after the deadline will be recorded as late, unless an extension or […]
Organizational culture impact For your topic you should discuss relevant theories and their impact on organizations. You should illustrate your essay with examples of organizations which have implemented the various models, theories or laws and discuss their influence. You should reflect on the role of leadership and management within the context of your essay. This […]