Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, cite in a footnote. In, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Mr. Douglass’ tells of his journey, from an enslaved man to a free man, in three story arcs: Hugh Auld’s reaction to his wife’s kind treatment of and teaching Mr. […]
Essay 3 Based on the spice trade game you played and the readings listed below, write a 4-page double spaced paper about your journey as a spice trader in the 17th century. The format of the paper can be letter, diary, travel report for newspaper, etc. In the paper, explain your motive, justify the route […]
Important: note that if you choose Conflict Theory as one of your theories, you may not choose social inequality as one of your concepts. If you do a presentation, remember that you will not actually have the opportunity to present it to your instructor in person. Explain what’s on your slides. Therefore, you should not […]
Social and cultural assumptions Identify a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation or written review. Your project must substantially fulfill the following requirements: Give a background of […]
EMBA leadership development curriculum Adopted by thousands of businesses and leaders around the world, and recognized by the Financial Times as one of the 40 most important management frameworks in history, the Michigan Model of Leadership underlies all leadership research and teaching at Michigan Ross. Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model […]
The Scientist and the Unknown This paper is for a science fiction literature class, level 370. Focused analytical essay, Discuss topic that will contribute in some way to our study of science fiction Supposed to have 2-3 scholarly sources and obviously the books as sources.
Micro environmental factors The hallmark of an educated entrepreneur is that they utilize the scientific method to develop workable solutions, rather than relying on gut instinct. The scientific method involves developing a hypothesis, which is a possible solution that needs to be investigated to determine if it is a viable and appropriate solution. The nature […]
This research paper is going to be on homeless people in the United States. Throughout the paper you’re going to answer the following questions: Describe the population group and its characteristics. What is required for “membership” in this group? Describe this population in the U.S. as a whole. Describe this population in NY state. Describe […]
Complex Emergencies and Health Determinant Discuss the impact complex humanitarian emergencies have on global health determinants. Suggest ways organizations could be better prepared to deal with the health consequences of such humanitarian emergencies. Include two academic references in your post. Use the current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.
The Auspicious Incident and Janisarries’ Competing Vision of Power Answering the question What kinds of opportunities did the destruction of the Janissaries create, and what was missing without the Janissaries?