Analyze evidence, policy and ethical frameworks regarding safety and quality.

Assignment Brief Learning Outcomes:
1.Analyze evidence, policy and ethical frameworks regarding safety and quality.
2.Debate the wider determinants of health in a UK and global context.
3.Examine the impact of health inequalities and vulnerabilities that influence wellbeing.
4.Apply evidence informed approaches to behavior change to help people manage their own health.
Assignment Guidance Please write a 1600 word essay, incorporating the requirements of the different sections as set out below. (There is a 10% word allowance – meaning you may write up to 1760 words).
Whilst maintaining confidentiality, briefly describe a patient/service user. This can be someone you have cared for in a clinical environment, or someone who is known to you, e.g. a family member or a friend.
Explain why they have received, or are receiving care and what their current health issues are.
Section 1Determinants of Health(350words).
Identify one health inequality and discuss what impact this has on the health or well being of the patient/service user.

Section 2Using Evidence to Improve Nursing Care (600words)

From your discussion, identify and analyze one relevant piece of research or policy which relates to quality or safety.

Section 3 SelfManagement and Ethics (400words)

Critically discuss one approach by which the nurse may help the patient/service user to manage their own health and analyze an underpinning ethical principle.

Choose one of the ethical principles shown below, and analyze how it relates to the role of the nurse in empowering patients:

1) Beneficence,

2) Nonmaleficence,

3) Autonomy or


Conclusion (150words)Conclude the essay by connecting your discussion with the relevant United Nation’s (2015) Sustainable Development Goal(s).