The signature assignment paper will offer a thesis driven argument about understanding the gospel of Matthew. The paper itself should address three related topics:
1. How does the gospel of Matthew present Jesus?
2. How might Matthew’s presentation of Jesus intersect with one of the scenarios from the modern world described below in the various case study prompts?
3. Your own response to how you think Matthew’s gospel might intersect with the case study.
3. Additional instructions and parameters for the signature assignment
• Addressing question one above should constitute the bulk of your paper (approximately 70-80%, or no less than 1,400 words) and should remain engaged in the literary and historical worlds. In addressing question one, offer a through and specific argument. If, for instance, suggesting that Matthew presents Jesus as a teacher, push further to address what the core of Jesus’s teachings are about and how they might engage their historical context. Numerous previous class assignments, including the various worksheets and all components of the biblical text analysis project, may prove helpful in addressing this part of the signature assignment. As is relevant, students are welcome to and encouraged to reuse their own work, though it must be edited in light of feedback provided and in light of the new assignment.
• Addressing the second question related to world three – the contemporary world – will constitute approximately 10-20% of the paper (or no less than 200 words). In addressing the second topic, your goal is to describe how Matthew’s presentation of Jesus in terms of its literary and historical context might intersect with the case study. In responding to the case study, you should think through the moral and ethical issues it poses as well as the differences between Matthew’s ancient context and the modern world. (see #5 below for a list of case studies that you can choose from)
• The third and final step to your signature assignment will be to offer your own evaluative response to how you perceive Matthew’s presentation of Jesus informing your response to the case study. Do you, for instance, think the direction Matthew’s presentation of Jesus would suggest for addressing the case study be good or bad for that situation, helpful or unhelpful, liberating or harmful, or something else? This portion of the paper should be no more than 10% (no less than 200 words).
• Your introduction and conclusion should comprise the rest of the paper (no less than 150 words for each)
4. Formatting, Expectations, and Assignment Submission
• The paper should include a cover page with student name, cohort, location of class, assignment, course number, and faculty name. It should be written using 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and one inch margins. It should be between 7-10 content pages (not including cover page or bibliography, that is between 2,100 and 3,000 words). Use formal, academic writing. Avoid the use of second person (“you”). Avoid the use of contractions. Utilize your word processor’s spelling and grammar tool. Papers must cite and engage at least two required class readings (e.g., Carter, Texts @ Contexts, etc.). Cite all sources used in a parenthetical format in the body of the essay and provide a list of works cited at the end. Failure to cite sources is an act of plagiarism and will be treated accordingly.
• Submit papers electronically in moodle by the start of the last class session. The submission place links to turning. com.
• FPU is committed to preserving academic integrity. Students should presume that all their written work will be checked against international electronic databases of student work and published sources to detect plagiarism. These electronic databases often add the submitted material to their sources to compare against other student work. By submitting assignments, a student agrees to these processes.
• Papers may receive a reduced grade for lateness, not following formatting instructions, inconsistency in style, or numerous spelling or grammatical errors.
• Papers may require rewriting and re-submission (resulting in a reduced grade) if they fail to address the assignment given, or if they exhibit excessive problems in content, argumentation, formatting, spelling or grammar.
• Plagiarism on the paper may result in an F in the class. Plagiarism is theft and can be committed intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism can occur by representing the writings, works or ideas of another as one’s own, or by copying material from a resource without proper citation. Exact copying and paraphrasing from sources both require proper citation. For more information see the Academic Integrity Policy in the FPU Catalog.
Case studies :
6. How to Spend?
Your favorite band is coming to town on a farewell tour. Tickets are $100-$150 and you want to take someone special to dinner and to the concert. Other financial obligations that you are facing include a credit card bill, a tuition payment, Christmas, books for next term, a cell phone bill, etc. How might Matthew’s presentation of Jesus raise issues about and inform the considerations?
And Many of us come to this course with significant work experience and are likely already engaged in specific professional careers. How might Matthew’s presentation of Jesus might inform decisions about where to work?