Design a lesson plan with your current students in mind. Taking their grade level and English Proficiency level into consideration,


Design a lesson plan with your current students in mind. Taking their grade level and English Proficiency level into consideration,

develop a lesson plan that addresses any aspect (or aspects) of Morphology that you learned about in the reading and in the PowerPoint presentation. Remember that the emphasis of the lesson has to be on Morphology, not any other areas of linguistics that we have not yet discussed. You will be graded on how well you are applying the knowledge of Morphology to the lesson; the structure of the plan is less important. I am uploading a copy of the SIOP template should wish to use it. Otherwise, you can use any lesson plan format, as long as it follows a workshop model of I Do, We Do, You Do.

Remember that ELLs require clear modeling and multiple opportunities for practice.