Table 1. Interpersonal Communicator Competency Scale
Conversational Involvement
Conversational Management
Define in your own words what effective means. Your definition should be a paraphrased from the definition provided in the textbook or workbook. Provide an argument for how effective you are in interpersonal relationships. If you are unclear about what we mean by “interpersonal relationships,” look it up in Chapter 1 of your textbook. In your argument, provide examples for your claim that you are/are not effective.
Define in your own words what appropriate means. Provide an argument for how appropriate you are in interpersonal relationships. In your argument, provide examples for your claim that you are/are not appropriate.
Select another dimension of competency from Table 1 that you scored relatively high on. Define that dimension in your own words and generate an argument for why you are good at that particular aspect of competency. In your argument, provide examples.
Not including effective and appropriate, select a dimension from the table above that you score low on. Define that dimension in your own words and generate an argument for why you are relatively weak at that particular aspect of competency. If you score lowest on effectiveness or appropriateness, please choose one of the other four dimensions since you will have already discussed and defined these terms. In your argument, provide examples.