Psych 100 Lab #2 Auditory Short Term Memory: Digits v Words
In writing the lab, we are again going to pool the data and the professor will complete a t-test to determine if memory for digits was significantly different from memory for words. It will then be your responsibility to explain the differences, based on previous research that you cited from your literature review. Some themes that you may want to discuss in the introduction are
(1) chunking as a memory strategy,
(2) using visual images for remembering words,
(3) using the meaning of the words to construct a story or meaningful context to help you remember.
What previous evidence is there that participants use these kinds of strategies in memory experiments? Which ones support your findings?
When discussing the data, you should use the mean computed from each individual list. That is, although you turned in the total number of words remembered from the 3 lists, the means will be from each individual list of 10 words, for example 6 out of 10. Each participant was given 3 trials for each type of stimulus so that we could collect more data and reduce variability.
In conjunction with figuring out “Why” there might be differences, you should discuss with your lab partners the strategies that they used to perform the various tasks. Do you think that you used the same strategies for digits as you did for word memory? Could the different strategies have been a factor in why the results were different?