Explain the overall theme and impact of the historical era under study by the student.

Plagiarism Warning–DO NOT COPY AND PASTE INFORMATION FROM ONLINE SOURCES OR FROM OTHER STUDENTS. YOUR SUBMISSION MUST BE YOUR OWN ORIGINAL WORK. You must analyze the content that you research and construct your own original slides. Paraphrasing information can sometimes lead to high plagiarism scores. As such, construct the content in your slides from your interpretation of what you have researched. A score of 40% or more on the Turnitin score will result in a "0" on the assignment. You can submit the assignment multiple times so be sure and do so until you get the Turnitin score below 40%. When you submit your presentation to Canvas, it automatically submits your work to Turnitin. Com which does the plagiarism check.

Assignment Requirements

Presentation must be historically accurate.

Be sure to research the topic thoroughly.

Make an outline before beginning so that you are clear what the major themes of the era that you selected.

Be sure to provide depth of analysis for each slide in your presentation.

As a rule of thumb, you should have four-six major points per theme. If the content will not fit on one slide, add additional slides but note in the title that each are a continuation of previous slide.

Be sure to format your slides with bullet points or other means of distributing material in the slide. If you include large paragraphs of information, you will lose points on the assignment.

The presentation must contain a minimum of fifteen content slides up to a maximum of twenty slides. With the inclusion of the title slide and citation slide, you should have a minimum total of 17 slides. Failure to meet this threshold will significantly reduce your overall grade.

Students must demonstrate the ability to interpret and effectively cite primary sources. Students will use at least one primary source which relates to the era of history chosen by the student. The primary source should be presented in the PowerPoint presentation in such a way as to contribute to the student's explanation of the era of history he/she is describing. Thus, simply copying a primary source into the presentation is not enough—the primary source must be interpreted to tell the historical story at hand. Review the links on primary sources found in Canvas for more information on interpreting primary sources.

Explain the overall theme and impact of the historical era under study by the student.

All presentations must begin with a title slide.

Presentation must present information in a clear and organized manner. Font should be large enough to be seen clearly.

Black and white presentations should be avoided. Present your PowerPoint with color and other appropriate backgrounds. Pictures and graphics must be included in the presentation.

All pictures, graphs, and information outside the textbook must be properly cited. Pictures, graphs, maps, etc. should be accompanied with text in order to explain how this material contributes to the theme of the presentation.