Opposition to a specific claim
Essay 3 is essentially a research paper that makes an argument in support of a specific claim and defends that claim against opposing arguments. For this assignment, review the feedback from your portfolio exercises as you continue your research and revision. Work your way through the revising and proofreading stages of your writing process before submitting your final version of the essay.
Discuss an argument utilizing a article in favor of or in opposition to a specific claim.
Utilize research to support your claims.
Utilize research to present opposing claims and offer counterarguments.
Work through the planning, drafting, and revision stages of the writing process.
Work through the proofreading stage of the writing process.
Create a final version of your Researched Argumentative Essay according to the following formatting guidelines:
Minimum of 1,500 words, double-spaced Times New Roman, 12 pt font size (MLA 8th edition formatting).
Minimum of 4 authoritative outside sources formatted on a Works Cited page (MLA, Works Cited) MLA formatting.
Sources may NOT include study sites, wikis, encyclopedias, pro-con sites, or blogs unless cleared first by the instructor.
Submitted as either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file with your first and last name in the file name.
Submit your final version of your Argumentative Essay as a single file upload.