Define your focal offense and consider the related theories that frame practices and policies used to address them. Evaluate response alternatives that are considered best practices.

Aggravated robbery

Requirements: Research the topic and answer the questions associated. The document should be APA format, Title page, 4 pages of content, and Reference page. 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins. Use at least 3 sources. Refer to writing guide for additional help. Less than 20% similarity. This will be submitted through Turnitin. The goal of this research is to look at a crime and get a clearer picture of the crime, why it occurs, and how the goals of punishment are working and could work in the future.

Define your focal offense and consider the related theories that frame practices and policies used to address them. Evaluate response alternatives that are considered best practices.

-Clearly define the crime, its origins, penal code elements

-Research the socio-criminal theories an analyze which theory or theories can be used to describe the various occurrences of this crime.

-Discuss punishments, goals of punishment, historical and future outcomes.

-Evaluate alternative responses to the crime that could be considered best practice.