The Final Exam is NOT comprehensive. Instead, it will test your knowledge of the Module 6 reading material and ability to draw general conclusions based on that material. You may use your text and notes.
The exam will be essay format, with short answer questions worth 20 points each, requiring more extensive development and synthesis of ideas relating to Module 6. You are welcome to use your book, however see the note on plagiarizing in the General Policies section. Note also that I want to these answers to be yours, not a mere compilation of quotes from the text. If you quote something, explain it in your own words.
No sources external to this course are to be used on the exam. You will have three hours to complete the exam.
Write and submit a thoughtful, clear and succinct answer of 3-5 paragraphs, in direct response to each of the Module 6 Final Exam questions in the text box and click save. It is strongly advised that you first write your answers in a word document, then copy and paste it into the text box.
Draw directly upon our assigned textbook readings for this Module (as the final exam is “open book”) in carefully crafting your detailed responses.
In answering the final exam questions provided, carefully review, reflect upon, and attempt to integrate the textbook material covered in Chapter 5: Section 5.0-5.1, 5.3-5.4 and Chapter 7.
Once the essay has been opened and started, it cannot be paused or stopped. You must complete and submit it within a 180-minute time limit.
See the Schedule in the Start Here! Module for due dates and the rubric attached to this folder for grading information.